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Tags enhance organization within Synco. Tags allow your team to quickly file thread conversations that are easily searchable and can be downloaded.  


    Tags are leveraged to file conversations specific to properties, units, departments, and projects.  Some examples include:

    • Properties - #301Ocean, #105ridgeline, #105ridgeline-5a 
    • Department - #leasing, #compliance, #accounting, #execteam, #emergencyteam
    • Project - #duediligence, #conferences, #unitrehabs

    Tags can be linked to a parent tag if you'd like them to always be associated together. E.g. - #105ridgeline-5a is a unit tag that should always be associated to the parent tag #105ridgline.


    Add A Tag


    1. Select a Thread: From your Home or Threads Inbox, click on the Thread that you would like to file with a Tag. You can also add a Tag when creating a New Thread.  

    Existing Thread Selection


    2. Add Tag & Send Message: Click on the message compose box at the bottom of the conversation. Type in the # symbol followed by the tag's name. As you type, the dropdown will update based on your criteria.

    Select the appropriate tag(s), and send your message via the Send icon in the bottom right corner. NOTE: Any member of the discussion can add tags to the conversation as it progresses. 


    Adding Tag



    Finding A Tag


    Search Bar

    You can search for conversations and files under a specific Tag in both your Home or your Threads Inbox. Navigate to your search bar above your Home or Threads Inbox.  Click into the search bar and type the # symbol followed by the name of the tag.  Once you see the tag in the dropdown, click on it. Your Threads results will filter down to the tagged conversations.  


    Search Tag


    Left Hand Navigation

    You can also find your list of Tags on your left hand navigation. Click Tags to expand your list of Tag Categories and Tags within each folder. Select the appropriate Tag. Notice that your Home or Threads Inbox will filter to all of the Threads that have been filed under that Tag.

    Tags - LHN